Cancel Your Membership

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Notice: Starting 8/15/2018, All account cancellations, downgrades and freeze requests can only be done online, with proper documentation required.


Below are the only cancellation provisions provided for by your contract. Please indicate the one that applies to this request. Your account will NOT be cancelled until you have fulfilled the term of the agreement. Your agreement requires a 30 day notice and $25 cancellation fee, or 60 days notice (Depending on the date you joined) which is also outlined in the agreement. You are responsible for all fees until your cancellation is effective. If the annual maintenance fee falls within the 30 or 60 days the fee will have to be paid.

Please understand that you are responsible for any monthly dues and fees that occur on your account until approved for cancellation. If your request is rejected due to past due payments, the account must be brought up to date first and then your 30 or 60 day notice will be backdated to the date of request. We must be fair to all members and process paperwork in the order in which it is received.

**You will receive an email that your request has been processed on today’s date. If you do not receive an email from Kinetix, please resubmit the form or call our facility at (727) 541-1969 to make sure that all your information was accurately submitted.**

To cancel your membership, fill out the form below:

This is to confirm I am requesting to cancel one or all agreements with Kinetix Inspired Fitness. I understand that I am still obligated for any remaining payments and fees on my agreement, I signed when I joined. I understand that I will be contacted within 7 business days on the remaining balance. I understand that this does not cancel my agreement and is only a request due to the different agreement and services.

This is my 30 or 60 day notice of cancellation starting on the date of this request.