

Hello my name is Brian, Originally from New York, raised in New Hampshire, then moved down the Tampa area about 15+ years ago. Since being a stand-out athlete in high school, I’ve injured my ACLs (both of them), seen my weight hit 300+ lbs and sat behind a desk as a graphic designer for the last 14 years. I decided to turn my life around completely and open a new door. I’m now 100+ lbs lighter, a certified personal trainer and certified group fitness instructor and back close to my high school and college shape. My ride on this over-weight roller coaster is all too familiar with a lot of people; whether you’re a former athlete who wants that fit shape back, a person who has only known this roller coaster all your life, or if you’re someone who simply wants to be fit and healthy, contact me. I’ve been there. I know what it’s all about. I’ve fought that battle. Let me help you fight that battle and win, too. Message me and lets get started.